Root Canal Therapy
A root canal is a common dental procedure that is performed when a tooth has decayed or been damaged. A dentist removes the pulp from the center of the tooth and fills the cavity to prevent the spread of infection to the surrounding teeth.
What to Expect During a Root Canal Treatment
- The dentist will carefully numb your gums, teeth, and tongue with anesthesia to ensure the process is as painless as possible.
- The pulp from the damaged tooth will be removed and the resulting cavity will be filled with a temporary filling.
- A permanent filling or, in some cases, a crown is usually required after the initial procedure.
Painless Injections
We now proudly offer painless injections to all of our patients. Painless injections work by sending a signal to your nerve receptors to essentially close the “pain gate” to your brain, allowing you to enjoy a pain-free and low-stress dental experience.
At Brock Starr dental, we understand the anxiety that accompanies certain procedures. This is why we handle everything with the utmost care; to minimize any potential discomfort for our patients. To schedule a consultation, call 905-668-3884.